This is a great place to start your inner journey. Guided meditations, book lists, videos and retreat listings are all available here. I hope you have a beautiful journey.
Let's get started right now. Two things I recommend to begin:
1. Download Insight Timer : a free app with thousands of guided meditations and a useful timer.
2. Watch this video below. Dan Harris reminds us very eloquently with a short 90 second meditation on Youtube
3. Watch a 2 Minute video about rewiring your brain through Neuroplasticity can help motivate you!
1. Download Insight Timer : a free app with thousands of guided meditations and a useful timer.
2. Watch this video below. Dan Harris reminds us very eloquently with a short 90 second meditation on Youtube
3. Watch a 2 Minute video about rewiring your brain through Neuroplasticity can help motivate you!
Have you downloaded Insight Timer yet?
If not please do and begin to try some guided meditations. Here's my top picks:
Don't forget to make the location you meditate as sensual and soothing as possible, at least to begin with. You can play with 'challenging' environments and postures later. Here is my blog about setting up a space.
If not please do and begin to try some guided meditations. Here's my top picks:
- Andy Hix, a close friend of mine, has some beautifully simple meditations here.
- Tara Brach (again) is one of my old favourites - American - sometimes a little cheesy!
- Ram Dass is quite philosophical
- Mooji is a playful soul
- Johnathan Lehmann uses music and deep french voice
- Franko Heke is a NZ man who whispers and uses music to put you in a lovely state
- Sam Harris is American and he left Insight Timer to form his 'Waking up' Course is great (free app for the first few meditations). You can find him on Youtube too, for an 8 minute sample meditation. Very scientific and rational.
- Neil's 3 minute breath - A 3 step version of a meditation
- Neil's 5 minute meditation - Counting the breath
- Neil's 10 minute meditation - Appreciating the body
Don't forget to make the location you meditate as sensual and soothing as possible, at least to begin with. You can play with 'challenging' environments and postures later. Here is my blog about setting up a space.
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