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- How Active Rest Refreshes Us 05/04/2024
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- Philosophy is BS 7/11/22
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- SAFER communication to help in emotional conversations 2/9/22
- Re-Schooling Ourselves: Refreshing Our Narratives 25/8/22
- Grounding: Stabilize your Wobbles 22/7/22
- How to appreciate your struggle 10/3/2022
- Allowing Ourselves To Rest 2/2/2022
- Committing To Your Deep Truth: Your Mission 19/1/2022
- The Attention Wars - Know Your Enemies! 24/11/2021
- Practices To Improve Polyvagal Tone 12/11/2021
- Being good enough - letting go of 'exceptional'. 8/11/2021
- Reschooling and Reparenting - Heal and Train Yourself (Like a Kitten) 26/10/2021
- Compare and Despair? Remember Now is Wow! 12/10/2021
- Using Self Awareness to Overcome Negative Emotions and Heal Your Trauma Patterns 5/10/2021
- How to find true love using meditation 28/9/2021
- 7 Steps To Establish a New Habit 20/9/2021
- Understanding the Main Styles of Counseling 21/5/2021
- When to listen to your gut: The power of intuition and instinct 1/3/2021
- Breaking the Lockdown Blues 4/2/2021
- Trying to Change a Habit? Forget Dopamine Fasting, Take a Holiday! 20/11/2020
- How To Liberate Yourself From Wounded Patterns 3/11/2020
- Overstimulation - The reason you struggle to focus 16/9/2020
- Reminding myself everyday: The MORNING routine 12/9/2020
- How to STOP reacting to anxiety 11/5/2020
- Creating a Meditation Space for Your Home - Top Ten Tips 5/3/2020
- Top 5 things the children loved about Mindfulness classes 9/12/2019
- What I learned from my week of being perfectly imperfect, ME 27/11/2019
- 5 things I learned from a retreat for fools 5/11/2019
- How To Meditate - An Example Practice (Body Scan) 25/9/2019
- How mindfulness can help you to enjoy the journey. 31/7/2019
- Has Mindfulness sold out and become McMindfulness? 24/6/2019
- How Nature Can Enrich Your Mindfulness Practice 19/6/2019
- Radical Coaching: Shadowing 25/4/2019
- Timed Talk & Listen - a tool to practice in relationship. 22/3/2019
- 5 Things SOME People Regret On Their Deathbed 6/3/2019
- Mindfulness at work: more ways to create balance, focus and clarity. 25/1/2019
- Everything you need to know about meditation posture and structure. 19/12/2018
- Mindfulness Coaching - is it for you? 23/10/2018
- Happiness: How Do We Find The Balance? 19/9/2018
- The Work of Ghostbusting: Meet the mind with kind inquiry 25/1/2018
- Youth Mindfulness: Why is teaching mindfulness in schools so helpful? 12/11/2017
- Youth Mindfulness: Why is teaching mindfulness in schools so helpful? 12/11/2017
- Removing Drama Is As Easy As A-B-C! (Part 2 - Spot the signals, name the role.) 24/10/2017
- Using Mindfulness to Sleep Better 7/9/2017
- 3 Ways you can help your workplace become more mindful. 16/8/2017
- Top 5 things the children loved about Mindfulness classes 9/12/2019
- What I learned from my week of being perfectly imperfect, ME 27/11/2019
- 5 things I learned from a retreat for fools 5/11/2019
- How To Meditate - An Example Practice (Body Scan) 25/9/2019
- How mindfulness can help you to enjoy the journey. 31/7/2019
- Has Mindfulness sold out and become McMindfulness? 24/6/2019
- How Nature Can Enrich Your Mindfulness Practice 19/6/2019
- Radical Coaching: Shadowing 25/4/2019
- Timed Talk & Listen - a tool to practice in relationship. 22/3/2019
- 5 Things SOME People Regret On Their Deathbed 6/3/2019
- Mindfulness at work: more ways to create balance, focus and clarity. 25/1/2019
- Everything you need to know about meditation posture and structure. 19/12/2018
- Mindfulness Coaching - is it for you? 23/10/2018
- Happiness: How Do We Find The Balance? 19/9/2018
- The Work of Ghostbusting: Meet the mind with kind inquiry 25/1/2018
- Youth Mindfulness: Why is teaching mindfulness in schools so helpful? 12/11/2017
- Youth Mindfulness: Why is teaching mindfulness in schools so helpful? 12/11/2017
- Removing Drama Is As Easy As A-B-C! (Part 2 - Spot the signals, name the role.) 24/10/2017
- Using Mindfulness to Sleep Better 7/9/2017
- 3 Ways you can help your workplace become more mindful. 16/8/2017
- How to overcome psychological abuse, mindfully 21/7/2017
- Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish 23/6/2017
- 3 Steps to returning to your nature 10/6/2017
- The words you speak become the house you live in 29/5/2017
- Low Energy? Listen to your needs. 12/5/2017
- How to stay inspired (not impotent by importance). 29/4/2017
- What is Spirituality? (And how does it relate to thinking?) 14/4/2017
- Breath Works: practices to program BOLD focus. 23/3/2017
- Procrastination part 3: TURNING THE SHIP AROUND 10/2/2017
- Loosen your TIES to suffering 20/1/2017
- Understanding Procrastination Part 2: Just do it now. 15/12/2016
- What happens in a 1 hour mindfulness class? 23/11/2016
- Transforming Hatred with Kindness - Storytime! 1/11/2016
- When Feedback hurts - Own your Shit - Take a SEAT 4/10/2016
- No pain, no gain? 22/7/2016
- Life is like an echo... echooo... echooooo.... 8/6/2016
- Etymology and Mindfulness of Language 13/5/2016
- An Awesome or Choresome Life? 24/4/2016
- Mindfulness for Young People? 8/4/2016
- Explore the depths of your ocean. 29/3/2016
- Let Go and Be - escape the Drama triangle! 22/3/2016
- Don't Mindfill 22/2/2016
- Love is messy, scary, risky... Love and need? 9/2/2016
- Awareness of the road! 30/1/2016
- Dealing with the emotional drop 12/1/2016
- Tools for patience in meditation and in life. 6/1/2016
- Useful language and tools for creating healthy discussion 12/12/2015
- Craving the crux: 10 lessons learned from my rock climbing addiction 9/12/2015
- Orestes, The Furies and The Eumenides (Kindly ones). A story of vengeance, guilt and forgiveness 5/11/2015
- Learning barefoot: feeling more 26/10/2015
- Musings on Choice and Obligation 20/10/2015
- What is enlightenment and what's the process of getting there? 10/9/2015
- What is Mindfulness and Why Practice? 3/9/2015
- My Vipassana Retreat Experience 9/7/2015
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